What Skin Benefits Does The Ocean Have?
The sea is always ravishing in its vast and alluring beauty. The benefits of marine skincare are abundant, from anti-aging to hydrating to healing and many other immeasurable benefits. Marine water, along with the plants that grow in the ocean, has skin-enhancing qualities. The use of the marine ingredients used cosmetically in your skincare is called thalassotherapy. Thalassotherapy has been practiced for many years and works to firm your skin, making younger-looking skin easy to achieve.
Marine active ingredients include and ingredients derived from the sea, algae being one of them. Algae aids in just about any skincare concern that comes to mind. Craving moisture? Algae. Need to detox your pores? Algae. Want to soften fine lines? That's right.. Algae.
Micro-algae are exceptionally adaptable. Micro-algae have been present for more than three billion years and are invisible to the naked eye. The tiny sea plants participated in the creation of the Earth's atmosphere. They provide more than 70% of the oxygen on Earth and are among the first links in the ocean food chain. Therefore, they are the beginning of life on Earth and our skin cells' origin. During this long evolution, micro-algae has acquired exciting adaptability and resistance mechanisms. Algae have a high concentration of iodine, iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K.

The benefits? The vitamins in algae can protect your skin from sun damage and can help balance oil production. Algae moisturizes, soothes, is anti-aging since it helps to strengthen elastin and collagen production in the skin. Even in severe ocean environments, certain marine plants are especially adept at protecting themselves against UV radiation and pollution, making them ideal skincare ingredients. Algae has a mushy consistency, which means it retains a large amount of water. When it's applied to your skincare products, it will be a powerhouse ingredient for hydration. Although it may not feel pleasant when it touches your skin in the ocean, applied topically will work wonders on your skin.

Marine biodiversity figures
- 99% of the marine species remain to be identified. About 700 new molecules from the sea are determined each year by research laboratories around the world.
- 80% of living organisms are found underwater.
- 90% of marine organisms are microscopic, and currently, only 1% of them have been identified. That's 300,000 underwater species known to science compared to 1 and a half million on Earth!
- About 40,000 species of algae have already been identified, but it is estimated that there are almost ten times more
At DermaPro, we want to contribute to our oceans as well as our beauty. Phytomer, a marine skincare line sold on DermaPro.com, makes it possible to support marine-life and skin health. Phytomer uses green manufacturing, ensuring sustainable marine algae and seaside plant cultivation.
Phytomer's Commitment to the Sea
Phytomer believes in the power of the ocean's natural ingredients. Phytomer believes the sea's selfless generosity demands our respect. The French Marine-based skincare brand has a passionate love for the sea and wants to share these benefits with people worldwide. Their products are sustainable (which is why we love this brand), high-performance products that respect the sea and its biodiversity.